
Hardware Support

Long useful life of your equipment

Long useful life of your equipment

Proper maintenance of hardware products and timely response if needed are vital for any retail outlet. We provide our customers with licensed service to guarantee them a longer and more useful life of the used device, as well as fewer problems.

Хардуерна поддръжка

We guarantee the consistency of the work with support from highly qualified specialists, who are always available when you need them. With their help, a problem that has occurred in the operation of your system will be solved as soon as possible.

Our automated real-time monitoring tracks key parameters in the work of different types of devices. In case of an indication of a possible occurrence of a problem or one that has already occurred, you will be immediately notified. In most cases, malfunctions are removed remotely.

Икона за индивидуални разработки в услуги

Individual Development

Икона продуктово развитие

Product Development

Икона за хостинг на данни в услиги

Data Hosting



Икона за информационно и абонаментно обслужване

Software Support



Икона софтуерни и хардуерни продукти

Hardware Support

Icon Fiscal Competence Center

Fiscal Consultation

Икона за индивидуални разработки в услуги

Individual Development

Икона за хостинг на данни в услиги

Data Hosting

Икона за информационно и абонаментно обслужване

Software Support

Икона за хардуерна поддръжка

Hardware Support

Icon Fiscal Competence Center

Fiscal Consultation



Икона продуктово развитие

Product Development

